Cllr. Henrietta Ashun
BH2020/00674 - Land Adjoining 12 Dunster Close
Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application
Comment Reasons:
- Because of the Additional Traffic
- Inappropriate Height of Development
- Noise
- Overdevelopment
- Overshadowing
- Poor design
- Restriction of view
- Too close to the boundary
- Traffic or Highways
Comment: Please can this come to committee. I object to this planning application because I feel that the land is too small to accommodate these houses. The houses are out of keeping with the area and will overshadow the house next door, no 4 Dudley Road and take away the light from the Patio of their garden. Also there is a lot of wildlife, bats, squirrels, woodpeckers and lots of other birds that all nest in the trees. The residents of no. 4 are in there 80s and the noise and disruption will be upsetting for them.